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      “这里发生了什么? ——中国独立影像文献及作品展”

      2010-07-08 16:40:37


        此次在平遥举办“这里发生了什么? ——中国独立影像文献及作品展”,其主体思路和架构都直接来自于今年三至四月北京伊比利亚当代艺术中心举办的同主题展览。
        根据平遥展场的情况和周期,我们重新组织了放映单元的内容, 将重点放在最近两年来的中国独立影像作品。它们一部分来自于北京首展时的“中国独立影像年度作品邀请展”——这也将是一个持续性的活动,每年固定时间在伊比利亚当代艺术中心举办,我们选择那些最有锐气和力度的作品,呈现本年度独立影像的发展和成就 ——此外为此次平遥展览,我们还增加了几部刚刚在剪辑台上完成的独立电影新作,如徐童,王利波和卫学奇的作品;我们还特别邀请了两位村民作者,湖南的贾之坦和山东的王伟。他们在2005年参加了草场地工作站组织的“村民影像计划”之后,始终没有停止用手中的摄像机拍摄。他们的作品呈现了自己生活的现场, 通过一种极其内在的视角,带着一种属于个人的感情, 这种呈现令我们看到了他们无时无刻不在承担的具体的中国乡村社会现实。当代中国独立纪录片对这部分现实有着丰富的表现,此次展览中有不止一部类似主题的作品。我们期望这些作品之间,它们和观众之间,能产生有意义的对话。


        The concept and the framework of this exhibition taking place in Pingyao, entitled “What Has Been Happening Here?--Chinese Independent Film: Document Exhibition & Screenings”, come directly from the exhibition held at the Iberia Centre for Contemporary Art in March and April of this year.
        With the same title, the exhibition was first presented as the inaugural exhibition of CIFA (Chinese Independent Film Archive) of the Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, and was composed of two parts: a document exhibition and film screenings. The document exhibition included the participation of six of the most dynamic independent film promotion platforms in China, including film festivals and work studios. Through texts, posters, manuscripts, pictures, audio and video files, the document exhibition presented what these platforms have been doing, and how they work.
        This exhibition in Pingyao is being presented in its original form. On this basis, it has also incorporated the vision and personal touch of CIFA as one of the institutions involved. Therefore, this exhibition provides a fresh and unprecedented form as well as perspective offering people the possibility to better observe and understand the situation of promotion and circulation of Chinese independent film outside official platforms.
        In light of the relation between the distribution of Chinese independent film and the printed media as well as international film festivals, we have decided to extend the document exhibition through the Library project. This project was launched by CIFA but is not attached to exhibition form. As a long-term and ongoing project, it is intended to collect publications and printed materials on Chinese independent films, including magazines, posters, catalogues of domestic and international film festivals that have taken a keen interest in Chinese independent film. In our point of view, these materials document the history of not only independent filmmaking and filmmakers, but also that of the circulation of independent film. In Pingyao exhibition we will also partly manifest what we have achieved on this project till now.
        The premiere “What Has Been Happening Here” in Beijing lasted for three weeks. The screening part was composed of six thematic sections. Around 80 films were selected for the program, which included not only Chinese films but also the works of young or established filmmakers from other countries. The selection also showed diversity in genre, and ranged from long-feature films to shorts, documentaries to works of fiction, as well as experimental films.
        We re-organized the program and placed greater emphasis on works created in the past two years, according to the duration and nature of the festival in Pingyao. Some of them have been selected from the “Chinese Independent Film Invitational 2008-2009 ” from the Beijing premiere exhibition of “What Has Been Happening Here?” This Invitational is an annual project of CIFA, ICCA, which selects some of the most compelling and powerful works of the period in an attempt to showcase the development and achievement of Chinese independent film during the year. Specially for this project in Pingyao, we have added the three latest independent works by Xu Tong , Wang Libo and Wei Xueqi in our lineup. We also have the pleasure of inviting two villager filmmakers--Jia Zhitan from Hunan Province and Wang Wei from Shandong Province. Ever since they took part in the “Villager Documentary Project” organized by Caochangdi Workstation in 2005, they have never stopped filming with their small cameras in hand. Their works represent the scenes of their lives, from an inherent, personal and emotionally charged perspective,which make us be able to glance the consistant presence of the reality in the Chinese rural society in their lives. This representation is a recurring theme in Chinese independent film. Even in this exhibition it’s easy to find more than one work dealing with the similar subject. We would like meaningful dialogues can be stimulated among the works themselves as well as among the films and their audiences.

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      2. 画画世界
      3. 菏泽新理想学校
      4. 菏泽市书法艺术研究会
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      7. 中国书画家网
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